Day 37 – Wednesday, August 23, 2017
AGE: 5 weeks, 1 days old (30 weeks gestation)
Lochlan: Weight is 2 lb 15.3 oz. (Birth weight: 1 lb 10.8 oz.)
Length in. (Birth Length 13 in.)
Lex: Weight is 2 lb 10.7 oz. (Birth weight: 1 lb 10.8 oz.)
Length is in. (Birth length: 13 in.)
Lochlan had an echocardiogram yesterday (08/22/17) to check his shunt. The good news is that it has reduced the pressure on his ventricles thus reducing their size. Lochlan is much more comfortable. Unfortunately, the echo revealed a new grade 4 brain bleed (this time on the right side) that was caused by the insertion of the shunt. The bleed is in the brain tissue and is large. The bleed happened during surgery and has since stopped. There is nothing to do to get the blood out; the body will have to do that on its own in the upcoming weeks and months. Just like the initial grade 4 brain bleed on the left side, we do not know what effects this will have on Lochlan’s brain and/or development. We can only keep any eye on the brain with follow up echocardiograms to see how he grows and develops in the coming months and years. Like we responded with the first bleed, we won’t be playing the “what if” game when it comes to his potential developmental issues. We will hope for the best and take it as (or if) it comes at us.
Shortly after Lochlan’s surgery, he began having digestive issues. Feeding was stopped, and he underwent a bunch of tests. On Saturday (08/19/17), the medical staff discovered he had an infection. The good news is that he had been on antibiotics since his shunt surgery, so we were essentially ahead of it. The infection never spread to his blood or other parts and today we found out that there is no sign of infection.
His digestive issues also calmed way down and on Monday (08/21/17). The medical re-started feeds of 3 ml every 3 hours. He has been taking feeds very well and is increasing the volume every 24 hours. The hope is that we can get him on full feeds and remove his PICC line soon.
The best news we received this week has to do with Lochlan’s respiratory development. He was able to get to the lowest respiratory rate this morning and there is even talk of pulling him off the invasive ventilator in the next few days. We were surprised to see the low setting and thought it would be awhile before we got to this point. This means his PDA (unclosed heart valve) is not negatively affecting his development which means the ligation surgery may not be necessary. We are hopeful he continues to gain respiratory independence.
Even though Lochlan is dealing with a lot in his brain, this week is truly the first time I have ever seen him look comfortable and calm. I love seeing a peacefully resting baby and am excited to see him continue to hit milestones.
Lex is doing great. He is eating a higher volume and continues to work on his respiratory development. He has started a steroid today to help his lungs and will be extubated tomorrow. We are hopeful he can stay on the less invasive ventilator longer this try.