Day 82 – Lex's High Flow Nasal Cannula
Day 82 – Sunday, October 8, 2017
AGE: 11 weeks, 5 days old (36 weeks, 4 days gestation)
Lochlan: Weight is 5 lb 11 oz. (Birth weight: 1 lb 10.8 oz.)
Length 17.7 in. (Birth Length 13 in.)
Lex: Weight is 6 lb (Birth weight: 1 lb 10.8 oz.)
Length is 17 in. (Birth length: 13 in.)
Remember that flickering light at the end of the tunnel? Well, it is starting to make us squint. Lex joined the 6 lb club today and Loch is right behind him at 5 lbs 11 oz. They now weigh more than their big sister Poppy when she was born (5 lb 3 oz). She was born at 36 weeks and they are now almost 37 weeks gestation. Since day 1, we were told preemies usually stay until their due date or so. It is also unlikely twin micropreemies would be discharged before their due date, but our warriors are pretty good at surprising the medical team.
They have both had a steady week of respiratory progress on the CPAP and have had the CPAP pressure reduced. Lochlan has been a step or two ahead of Lex in the breathing department until yesterday when Lex took the lead. He had great blood gas tests and the neonatologist decided he was ready to move to the high flow nasal cannula (the final step before breathing without anything). Usually, babies start on 4 liters of oxygen, but Lex was able to start on a ½ liter and even weaned to ¼ liter later in the day. The new cannula is smaller and requires less tape so we get to see more of his beautiful face. This also means he is ready to start bottle feeding and nursing. I have been told that feeding is not usually a quick or simple process for preemies, but we are sure headed in the right direction. Lochlan has also had a great week. He is so alert when awake and loves staring at visitors, especially the pretty blond nurses. Lex likes the brunettes.
The last boxes to check before discharge are breathing and feeding. If they can get both tasks figured out, we will be taking our babies home.