

This is the triumphant story about micropreemie warrior twins as told by their mother. Our hope is that this story may bring you hope and strength for whatever battle you are fighting now.

Day 84 – Hernia Surgery

Day 84 – Hernia Surgery

Day 84 – Tuesday, October 10, 2017

AGE: 12 weeks (36 weeks, 6 days gestation)

Lochlan:  Weight is 5 lb 13 oz. (Birth weight: 1 lb 10.8 oz.)
                Length 18.3 in. (Birth Length 13 in.)
Lex:         Weight is 6 lb 1.9 oz. (Birth weight: 1 lb 10.8 oz.)
                Length is 17.9 in. (Birth length: 13 in.)

One more (and hopefully last) surgery for Lex. A hernia surgery is scheduled for tomorrow. This is one more b ox to check in preparation for discharge. Lex has been doing amazing and was in the lead for discharge, but we anticipate this will be a bit of a setback.  


Day 85 – One Last Surgery for Lex

Day 85 – One Last Surgery for Lex

Day 83 - Retinopothy of Prematurity