09/24/17 - Day 68 of Life
Until the day one twin left the NICU without the other, I never truly realized how much peace I felt knowing that they always had each other.
For the first nine weeks of life, my twins had separate private rooms, only machines, love and hope keeping them alive.
I could only visit once a day and wished I could have been with them 24/7. That was not an option for me or my family. No matter the length of stay, leaving your baby in the NICU will break your heart. I felt empty sleeping in my bed and wondering how my babies were doing when they should have been up all night stealing my sleep at home.
Nine weeks after their traumatic birth, the stars aligned and the magical “twin room” became available. For the first time since the minute baby B was born, my twins would be reunited. They would share a room, hear each others’ cries, smell each others smells and intangibly feeling each others presence.
Leaving the NICU was still hard, but I felt such a sense of relief knowing that they were not alone when I left. They had each other.