

This is the triumphant story about micropreemie warrior twins as told by their mother. Our hope is that this story may bring you hope and strength for whatever battle you are fighting now.

Day 75 - Stevie Wonder

10/01/17 Day 75 of Life

Did you know Stevie wonder lost his eyes sight because retinopathy of prematurity or ROP?


At this point in our NICU journey, the twins first met their ophthalmologist for an ROP screen.  ROP is caused when blood vessels develop abnormally. If ROP progresses and is left untreated, it can cause retinal detachment and blindness. For the reason, we began seeing our wonderful ophthalmologist to track progress.


We found out both boys did in fact have stage 1 ROP. It was alarming because it could mean another surgery was on the table should the ROP progress, but I wasn’t going there. I didn’t have the engery or time to waste worrying about something that wasn’t happeneing yet.


Stage I RPO was not a huge red flag, but could certainly become one so our warriors were followed closely…

Day 76 - Are we out of the Woods?

Day 74 - Smile